Sunday, March 30, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy Part II

Has it really been since December?  Time surely has gotten away from me.  Life does have a way of getting that way doesn't it?  Our holidays were wonderful, J enjoyed his Santa visit, and had an awesome day with family.  
Somebody was good this year!
We also gained a family member this year, Sofia, a kitten.  She was born at a dairy farm near a friend's house, the owner of the farm just decided he had enough and left.  JUST LEFT, leaving all the cows, dogs and cats to fend for themselves, no food, no water, nothing.  Didn't tell anyone either.  So as the cows began to bawl and jump the fence in search of food and water and the cats and dogs begin to scavenge, people took notice.  The cows were in bad shape, animal control came and took care of them, I shutter to think of what happened to them.  The dogs were taken in by neighbors and the cats found their own place to live.  7 of them ended up at our friends house.  Sofia was named by J in honor of Sofia the first on Disney and has acclimated from barn cat to house cat wonderfully.  

We lost a family member as well, our 15 year old Beagle and my hubby's BFF, Cooper, passed away in February.  One of smartest dogs I have ever met.  My relationship with Cooper was complicated, I didn't really like him when he was younger, but once I realized he was smarter than me, we got along famously and I loved him and still miss him terribly.  Hubby is devastated by his loss.  Cooper was a awesome Nanny as well, whenever J would be playing in the yard, Cooper would sit and watch, and bark if he started to wander or do something he wasn't supposed to.  He was also awesome with the puppies, since they were his I guess I should say he was an awesome father.  He would watch them and bark if they were doing something stupid, let them chew on him, let them eat out of his bowl with minimal grumbling, and he would even groom them.  He was actually a better Mama than Ella!  There is much truth to the saying "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog."

We had snow this year, a lot of it.  I do not like snow, really, I moved from upstate NY, where we got a bunch of snow to NC mainly because they had fairly mild winters, not this year! J and the puppies enjoyed it though, so I really can't complain.
His first sledding experience, he loved it!

 J started soccer this year, he is only 4 but wanted him to be around some kids his own age and let him run off some energy.  He has no idea what is going on, but seems to enjoy it.  The first practice, he lasted about 30 minutes and then asked to go bowling!  We have stuck it out and he is catching on.  He is the only 4 year old on the team, the rest are 5-6 and in school.  He is as big as all of them though or bigger in some cases.  This is challenging because the kids expect him to act just like them, because he is the same size as them.  You have explain that he is in reality much younger than them and not nearly as mature.  The first game I was so nervous, for him, but he handled it like a pro.  He even got out there a bit.  It takes time for them to learn and he is doing well. His coach is awesome, so good with him and the kids are great too.  I am enjoying it too, I never played soccer and know nothing about so it is a learning experience for me as well. 

I guess that concludes the catch up!  Hope to keep up with this better.  Until next time.