Monday, November 11, 2013

Clementine and What Kevin Taught Me

So I had this plan to continue writing about my love affair with Clementine, but then I met Kevin.  I did do another project with Clementine and they did come out wonderful.  I was so proud of these.  My friend, Jennifer wanted her kids pics with Clementine, so we loaded up, hers, mine and my niece and off we went.  The kids are all 3rd generation of my husband's family so I got some of all of them together.  I would of love to have all of the cousins in there, but that wasn't possible so I made do with who I had.  The kids were great, as usual, I can't say enough about how good they are. They had fun, we laughed, we did silly faces, we did funny poses, they photo bombed each other, they ogled Clementine and climbed all over her and basically we just had fun.  Ms. Maggie, has turned into quite the model, she throws her hand on her hip and cocks that head and turns it on.  I really enjoyed it.     


Then later on in the week, I had another call, my BFF, Lori needed some help. She is the Director of the Humane Society in Iredell (HSI) County. They are doing their first calendar as part of their fundraising for 2014 and are extremely excited about it.  Would I come and take some pics for them. Sure, be there on Saturday.  So Saturday morning, my son and I head to their Adoption Fair.

I tried all day to get a dog to sit by
this!  The best I could do was getting
Snuggles to sniff the back side!
They have chosen several animals that made the biggest impact on them, now don't get me wrong, saving all of these animals is important to them, but like everything else, certain stories stick out and impact them personally. They have chosen 9 Stories to tell from HSI and 3 from "Fans".  Now most of the 9 had pictures to send in but Buckwheat's family was having a hard time getting him to sit still so HSI asked me to come and help.  I looked at the photos that had been selected to see what the "tone" of it would be and got a plan.  Because if you know me, I am anal retentive and need to have a plan.

We got there a bit early so I could look around, because even though I have been there before I have never taken pictures there before, so I need to look at it a bit differently.  CHAOS, everywhere.  Dogs barking,  people talking, Cats meowing, and just movement all around, then you add in my 3 year old who LOVES animals, it was very busy! Everybody working to help the animals, I knew then and there I was in a special place and even though people can be mean, hateful and spiteful there was still some good left in the world.  I knew then I wasn't just going to take some photos of Buckwheat I was going to try and capture the spirit of organization as well.  Volunteers doing what they do, for free, because they want to help.  One quote I heard was, ( if you don't like profanity skip this part), "There is an ass for every seat and a seat for every ass." They do their best to find forever homes for all the animals they can take in. Whether they are purebred, mixed bred, young, old, ugly, disabled or even just high maintenance.  

Then I met Buckwheat, he is beautiful and big.  A shepherd mix, and about 100 pounds of happiness.  Now I wish I could tell you his whole entire story right now, but I don't want to ruin if for the calendar so I won't and I also can't share the pictures that will be in the calendar.  

Let's just say, sometimes people suck.   Buckwheat, who has actually been renamed by his "girls" is now Kevin, and he has overcome major obstacles and has forgiven man for causing his pain.  Which in itself is amazing, because people are just not like that.  We hold on to anger and hurt for much longer than we need to.   But Kevin is happy and playful and just full of joy.  He loves everyone, people, other dogs, was awesome with strangers, my son and just loves to play. Maybe, just maybe, man should take a leaf out of his book. 

 "Kick some grass on it and move on!"

Here are some of the others who are looking for forever homes as well.  If you are thinking about a pet, check with your local organizations or Animal Control first.  You never know who may be waiting for you there.

Until next time!